ArtinCight: Promoting Art to Free the World!


ArtinCight is a cultural arts movement that supports and promotes the struggles of the masses of people in the U.S. and worldwide against exploitation and oppression such as racism, fascist laws, sexism, homophobia and rich nation subjugation of the 3rd world. ArtinCight also directs its artistic fire at all the sources of exploitation and oppression, chief among them being gangster capitalism, whose fundamental nature is to sacrifice the lives of the people for profit.

We live in a world that features looming and rising fascism, pre-emptive, colonial war against 3rd world countries by the economically advanced countries, a world where the criminal justice system is itself a crime, where immigrants are treated as slaves, where so-called democracies sanction stolen elections, where there is a massive lack of healthcare, where globalization spawns greater poverty and suffering. These crimes result from the daily operation of capitalism, and its lapdog feudal society, that is common in the 3rd world. These crimes are spurred on not only by huge mass communication empires, schools, universities and other institutions, but also by a capitalist and feudal cultural juggernaut in all its possible manifestations. These institutions hand in hand with the cultural juggernaut pump out support for the capitalist system of exploitation 24/7.

  ArtinCight aims to develop a vast cultural movement committed to greatly enriching the lives of the people and breaking the stranglehold of rich class culture that reinforces exploitation and oppression. ArtinCight is building a progressive and anti-capitalist art movement by uniting artists and the masses of people across all media: from literature, poetry, cinema, street theater, stage theater, music, to painting, dance, sculpture and more. The main group among which ArtinCight builds this movement is the masses of everyday people, including the laboring masses, the dispossessed, and all those fighting alongside them for their liberation. To help the cultural movement and ArtinCight remain free of control by the rich it is vital for them to mainly rely financially on the initiative and resources of the masses of people and not sugar daddies, foundations, or government institutions. A key task in the work of ArtinCight is to mobilize the people to go beyond being spectators and to create, perform and distribute artistic works for themselves; art should not be an elite exercise, but rather made by everyone and available everywhere.

Artistic creation and activity is a structuring of media - visual, graphical, oratorical, literary, musical, dance, etc. - and ideas that speak first to our feelings and emotions, as opposed to science which speaks first to our logical mind. Although art and science initially address opposite aspects of our personality they both eventually speak to the other side. Indeed creating art work typically requires the scientific study and application of media and techniques, while scientific insight and discovery often requires having specific feelings and emotions that draw them out.

Political art serves the governing, or socio-economic interests of one class over others. Art may be both political and non-political. For example the earliest cave people, who lived in classless societies, structured various media to create non-political art. In todays world non-political art remains, but importantly there is also political art because the world is divided into oppressor and oppressed classes. Art that serves the political interest of the oppressed classes and masses of people - should prompt and refine the urge to eliminate all exploitation and oppression. Such art encourages and educates us in how, through both peaceful and militant means, to abolish the rule of the rich to eliminate exploitation and oppression. ArtinCight is mainly focused on building an artistic movement which serves the political interests of the oppressed masses. In line with this approach, ArtinCight works to the strengthen the ability of the masses of people to analyze, critique and often to improve both the form and content of art from a political perspective that serves their interests in creating a world free of exploitation and oppression by chiefly relying upon their own initiative and leadership.

The profit driven nature of capitalist society causes many artists to produce for the market and this often leads to the commercialization of art. Many sincere artists revolt against the commercialization of art, but do so within the confines of bourgeois ideology and culture. Often this means that their art work becomes an end in itself. So even with the market forgotten the work of such artists often becomes extremely individualistic and their work comes to serve the very interests of the capitalist system against which they rebelled in the first place. Therefore, part of the work of ArtinCight is to help educate and guide the artists in rebellion and encourage them to remain on the path of true revolt against the oppression of the masses and for their liberation.

Artists and the masses of people in revolt must band together in a mutually supportive, collective effort to reverse this run-away train of exploitation and oppression. ArtinCight is building a progressive and anti-capitalist artistic movement to be a major part of creating a joyous new world for the masses. Go all out, aim high, take part in the ArtinCight movement today!




- ArtinCight -


Artistic Creativity To Free the People & Humanity

Art By and For the People

Art For A New World